Students planning to major in Human Biology should first fill out the online questionnaire for prospective majors to help ascertain whether this major is right for them. After that, interested students should schedule a meeting with the Human Biology advisor to plan their curriculum.
View core course descriptionsUndergraduate Degree Requirements
Human Biology B.A.
Requirements for the Human Biology B.A. degree can be found here. Use the Bulletin year appropriate for your year of matriculation.
Students must fulfill the IU Common Ground Education requirements in addition to the requirements for the B.A.
Requirements for the Human Biology B.A. can be found by clicking on the relevant bulletin below:
B.A. requirements, 2015-16 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.A. requirements, 2014-15 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.A. requirements, 2013-14 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.A. requirements, 2012-13 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.A. requirements, 2011-12 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
Human Biology B.S.
Requirements for the Human Biology B.S. degree can be found here. Use the Bulletin year appropriate for your year of matriculation.
B.S. requirements, 2015-16 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.S. requirements, 2014-15 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.S. requirements, 2013-14 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.S. requirements, 2012-13 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
B.S. requirements, 2011-12 College of Arts & Sciences Bulletin
Human Biology Certificate
To apply for the Area Certificate in Human Biology, students should contact their major advisor and also the Human Biology advisor. Applications are available in the Human Biology office or by clicking on the Certificate Application tab on the menu to the right. To register for HUBI B480, the e-portfolio capstone course for seniors who have applied for the Area Certificate, contact Andy Ruff.
To be eligible for the Area Certificate, students must:
- have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 (B-) at the time of admission;
- maintain a GPA of 2.7 (B-) to graduate with the certificate;
- maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B) in the certificate program.
A student who has completed the certificate will have “Human Biology Certificate” noted on their transcript.
Course Requirements (28-29 credit hours)
- Foundations of Biology: Biological Mechanisms [BIOL L112] N+M 3 credit hour lecture course (Biology) Prerequisite: High school or college chemistry
Integrated picture of the manner in which organisms at diverse levels of organization meet problems in maintaining and propagating life.
- Molecular Biology [BIOL L211] N+M 3 credit hour lecture course (Biology) Prerequisite: BIOL L112 (credit given for only one of BIOL L211 or BIOL S211)
Structure and function of DNA and RNA. DNA replication, mechanisms of mutation, repair, recombination, and transposition. Mechanisms and regulation of gene expression. The genetic code, transcription, and translation. Introduces bacteriophages, plasmids, and the technology of recombinant DNA.
- Disease and the Human Biology [MSCI M131] N+M 3 credit hour lecture course (Medical Sciences) does not count towards the Biology Major.
Disease or injury provides the basis for a discussion of the anatomy and physiology of human organ systems. Disease process and medical devices and interventions employed in the treatment and diagnostic processes are also discussed.
- Basic Human Anatomy [ANAT A215] N+M 5 credit hour lecture/lab course (Medical Sciences) does not count towards the Biology Major.
An organ systems approach to the study of the human body, including microscopic and gross structure.
- Integrative Human Physiology [BIOL P451] N+M 4 credit hour lecture/lab course (Biology) Intended for the junior or senior science major.
Course in human physiology designed to introduce the senior undergraduate student to the function of the human body in health, disease, and extreme environments. Emphasizes how the different organ systems work to maintain homeostasis and how organ function is integrated. The content and key concepts are presented in order to provide students insight into the scientific process through problem-solving and exploration of resources. Utilizes experimental inquiry, case-based and problem-oriented methodology with students working in teams and an emphasis on clinical application. The laboratory component is incorporated into the structure of the course.
- Environmental Biology [BIOL L350] N+M 3 credit hour lecture course (Biology) P: junior or senior standing. Does not count towards the Biology Major.
Interactions of human beings with other elements of the biosphere with emphasis on population, community, and ecosystem levels of ecology.
- Human Variation [ANTH B370] N+M 3 credit hour lecture course (Anthropology) P: Sophomore standing.
Variation within and between human populations in morphology, gene frequencies, and behavior. Biological concepts of race, race classification along with other taxonomic conditions, and evolutionary processes acting on humans in the past, present and future.
- Developmental Psychology [PSY P315] S+H 3 credit hour lecture course (Psychology) P: PSY P155 or PSY P101/P102 or PSY P151/P152, or PSY P106.
An introduction to how and why behavior changes over time. The theories and methods used to study behavioral change in both human and non-human models. Topics include perception, movement, language, cognition, and social/emotional behavior.
- Behavioral Neuroscience [PSY P326] 3 credit hour lecture course (Psychology) P: PSY P155 or PSY P101 or PSY P151, or PSY P106 and one of the following: BIOL L100, L111, L112, ANAT A215, PHSL P215, or equivalent.
An examination of the cellular bases of behavior, emphasizing contemporary views and approaches to the study of the nervous system. Neural structure, function, and organization are considered in relation to sensory and motor function, motivation, learning and other basic behaviors.
- Neuroscience [PSY P346] 3 credit hour lecture course (Psychology) P: P155, or P101, P106, or P151 or equivalent.
A survey of contemporary neuroscience, examining the neural basis of behavior with approaches including molecular, cellular, developmental, cognitive, and behavioral neuroscience. Sensory and motor function, learning and memory, and other behaviors are considered using anatomical, physiological, behavioral, biochemical, and genetic approaches, providing a balanced view of neuroscience. Credit given for only one of P346 or P326.
- Religion and Bioethics [REL D340] A+H 3 credit hour lecture course (Religious Studies)
Examines questions about human nature, finitude, the meaning of suffering, and appropriate uses of medical technology in the face of natural limitations, such as disease and death, that humans encounter. Issues include prenatal/genetic testing, transhumanism, enhancement technologies, cloning, euthanasia, and organ-transplantation. Judeo-Christian and cross-cultural perspectives on illness are considered.
- HUBI E-portfolio Capstone Course [HUBI B480] 1 credit hour discussion course (Human Biology) P: Open to senior students who have applied for the Certificate in Human Biology
In this capstone course, students will develop an electronic portfolio to document and reflect upon their academic coursework and extra-curricular activities and relate their work to their future studies or careers.
Program Retrospective
All Human Biology Majors (B.A., B.S.) and those pursuing the Human Biology Certificate need to complete a program retrospective.
Want to be a Peer Instructor for HUBI B200 or B300? Fill out the Peer Instructor applications and email it to or deliver to Diane Richardson in Sycamore Hall 046.
Honors Option in Human Biology
Interested in the Honors option in Human Biology?
This option is available to serve outstanding students seeking a BA or BS in Human Biology who are highly motivated to conduct independent research. It is best suited to students who wish to expand and deepen their inquiry into an aspect of human biology beyond the core classes. The honors option is a challenging endeavor and should only be embarked upon with a strong commitment to, and ability to carry out, independent work. Interested students should start thinking about this option during their sophomore year or first semester of their junior year.